Busiek State Forest





Halfway between Branson and Springfield is Busiek State Forest. The photos don’t do it justice, it was absolutely beautiful, there was still some snow left on the group and the trees were still coated in ice so they sparkled when the sun hit them. More photos to follow. Have a great day everyone!

Happy Birthday



Here are some photos of the birthday cake that one of my wonderful friends at work made for me today. My birthday is actually tomorrow but we are celebrating at work today. For me this means cake, lots of flowers from a very special guy, a wonderful lunch at Five Guys from my boss and lots of people coming upstairs to give hugs and well wishes! I am very thankful for another year of life, it is always such a blessing for me that I get to celebrate another year and I am thankful to God for it, he always knows how to bless me in such amazing ways! So from me to wherever in the world you are thank you for following my blog, and the little thing that I think are so beautiful about this world. May you all be blessing today!!!

Winter Storm Q









Here are some of the photos I took of Winter Storm Q’s effects here in southwest Missouri. Everything incased in ice, but it is really beautiful. At one point it was raining pellets of ice and thundering so loud that you thought it was going to come through the windows. It was so pretty until I had to go out and de-ice my car, I got a really good workout though. Stay safe out there if this winter storm is coming you way.